How to Marketing to Chinese via RedBook China

How to Marketing to Chinese via RedBook China

RedBook China, also named Xiaohongshu (“Little Red Book”), is a fresh marketing concept for China. Its brand philosophy is ‘the guide of emotion life’.

It is a platform that connects brands and people by creating and disseminating content, data, and products in harmony with the changing times and lifestyles of young Chinese women, who are essential consumption forces in China. The products distributed at RedBook encompass all lifestyle categories, including health and beauty, fashion and accessories, food and beverage, homeware and interior design, baby and child care, travel and leisure, cosmetics, property and financial services.

Data of China RedBook

Redbook was founded in 2005 by Ning Xian and Li Guoxing as a publishing company. It is focused on the women’s market and produces magazines, books and online content.

As of 2022, the monthly active users of RedBook are over 200 million, and 72% of its users are reportedly born after 1990. Moreover, 50% are from second or third-tier cities in China. While it is known as a female-dominated platform, it witnessed a 30% increase in male user numbers.
Redbook also publishes eight books distributed in more than 100 cities throughout China. In addition, it also publishes an internet site visited by 2 million users monthly.

Demographic Analysis of RedBook China

Customer Behavior of RedBook Users

1. 40% actively search for products or topics they are interested in;

2. After 37% became interested in a specific product, they went to RedBook China to read the comments of netizens;

3. 36% understand the trend;

4. 33% are looking for inspiration and waiting for brand promotions for a purchase;

5. 30% entered RedBook China for browsing because others shared notes on this social media platform.

What Content is Effective for RedBook Marketing?

If you want to market your business on RedBook, the best content to use is trendy topics, industry insights, and graphics. Most RedBook users are women, so targeting them with marketing content they will be interested in reading is best. This can include anything from fashion tips to health advice to recipes. As long as it is relevant to women, it will likely be well-received on RedBook.

Trendy topics

  • Trending content assets are always preferred over not-so-popular ones. If you create content which is a hot topic on social media, it helps you to immediately gain more visibility, traffic, and traction within a short period. 

Industry insights

  • Understanding the latest industry trends and developments will allow you to create more relevant content for your RedBook ads campaign. This can help you engage more prospects and customers, but most importantly, it builds your authority as an industry expert. 
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  • Using graphics in your content assets can make them more visually appealing and help you convey your message more effectively and efficiently to your target audience. People are more likely to share your RedBook posts if you have graphics attached for a summary. 

How Easy Marketing Helps with RedBook China Marketing

Easy Marketing’s Redbook Team of Marketing Specialists, Web Developers, Copywriters and Digital Media Specialists are committed to delivering measurable results for your business in China. They offer various services such as:

  • Lead generation campaign 
  • Social Media Influencer Campaign 
  • Branded content creation & dissemination campaign, and
  •  Engagement Programmes.