Custom Website Design Services-Lacell Bedding

We Helped Our Clients Achieve Their Goals

Unique Buying Experience for Lacell Bedding's Customers

Easy Marketing is a full-service digital marketing agency specialising in custom website design and development. We cater to businesses of all sizes to create bespoke websites that meet their unique needs and requirements.

We recognise that no two companies are alike, so we collaborate closely with our customers to digest their unique needs and objectives. We used this information to create a visually stunning website and optimise for performance and user experience.

About Lacell Bedding

Lacell Bedding is a company founded by a couple with years of experience in the fabrics industry. They have a remarkable track record of helping a big American brand outsource production in China. With their expertise in finding the best materials and unique designs, they decided to establish a company in Hangzhou to sell their bedding and products to customers outside China.

When Lacell Bedding approached Easy Marketing, they wanted a website that would provide a unique buying experience for their customers. Our team worked closely with them to design a custom website design that showcased their products in great detail and made it easy for customers to make a purchase.

The Challenge: Creating a Customised Buying Experience

As a business with a strong background in the fabrics industry, LaCell Bedding knew the importance of having a unique and compelling online website to stand out in the crowded e-commerce marketplace. However, they faced a significant challenge in achieving their goal due to the limitations of the default WooCommerce layout, which failed to meet their expectations for showcasing their products in detail.

The couple’s wife, deeply passionate about design and aesthetics, wanted a shopping experience that allowed potential customers to fully appreciate the quality and craftsmanship of their bedding and clothing products. This meant having multiple large product images, the ability to zoom in and view fine details, and a user-friendly interface that would guide customers towards purchasing.

To achieve these objectives, LaCell Bedding approached Easy Marketing for assistance. They had already explored other e-commerce platforms, such as Shopify, which offered the desired functionality but came with a low monthly fee that needed to be more sustainable for their business in the long run. As a result, they sought out Easy Marketing’s expertise in designing a custom WordPress website that could be seamlessly integrated with WooCommerce to provide a similar shopping experience at a more affordable price point.

Our Solution: Customising the Product Pages/ Our Process

default wocoomerce layout

Default Woocommerce Product Image

We provided custom solutions for their website to enhance the customer experience and help LaCell Bedding stand out in the competitive bedding and clothing industry. The default WooCommerce layout only displays one large product image with several smaller gallery images below, which didn’t meet our client’s requirements. Instead, LaCell Bedding wanted multiple big product images to showcase their products in great detail. They even showed us a premium Shopify website as an example of the shopping experience they were looking for. However, this platform charged them $299 monthly, beyond their budget. Our team suggested using WordPress with WooCommerce payment integration, providing a similar shopping experience at a much lower cost.

Customising the Bedding Product Page

Website design case study: Lacellbedding by Easy Marketing Ltd

To address Lacell Bedding’s unique needs, we created customised solutions for their bedding and clothing product pages. For the bedding products, we designed a template page that allows customers to add as many big product pictures as they like, giving them a clear and detailed view of the products. In addition, to assist customers in understanding the size and dimensions of the bedding, we added a popup buyer guidance feature on the right side of the page. As a result, customers can quickly familiarise themselves with the size of the bedding and add items to their collection, streamlining the buying process.

Customising the Clothing Product Page

custom product image with slide

For the clothing products, we created a customised template that allows customers to view the clothing in a vertical image slide show, showcasing the garments from different angles. This helps customers better understand how the clothes look and how they will fit different body types. In addition, we included a video feature that allows customers to see the clothing on a model and get a realistic sense of how the item looks when worn.

Through these customised solutions, we were able to provide Lacell bedding with a unique and engaging buying experience that exceeded their expectations. Our design approach focused on highlighting the intricate details of their products and giving customers a clear understanding of what they were purchasing. Our attention to detail and ability to create customised solutions at an affordable price set us apart from the competition and ultimately helped Lacell Bedding achieve its goals.

Customised Shopping Workflow

Custom shopping workflow for lacell bedding

We customised the entire shopping workflow to provide a seamless shopping experience for Lacell Bedding’s customers. We created a My Account dashboard where customers can manage their account information, view and track orders, and access digital downloads. We also added custom endpoints for editing account information, adding and managing addresses, and viewing order details.

In addition, we created custom pages for upsell categories, categories, and a login page. We also designed unique templates for the single product pages of homewear and bedding products, providing customers with a clear and detailed view of the products they are interested in. We also designed custom thank you and checkout pages, ensuring the customer’s shopping experience is smooth and streamlined.

Furthermore, we created custom templates for various pages, including the cart page, the shop page, and the archive product pages for homewear and bedding products. These customisations not only went with the website’s overall theme but also offered customers a unique and intuitive shopping experience.

Cutom woocommerce process

Technical Details: HTML and XML Sitemaps, Alt Text for Images

To ensure our clients’ websites have the best possible SEO structure, we employ technical details such as HTML and XML sitemaps and Alt Text for Images from the very beginning of the design process. We create HTML sitemaps to provide an excellent user experience, while XML sitemaps are generated for search engines. Furthermore, our websites are configured with robots for indexing and crawling, which ensures search engines can quickly discover and understand the website’s content.

Additionally, we add Alt descriptions to every image to ensure that search engines can understand the image’s content and improve on-page SEO. By implementing these technical details, we ensure that our client’s websites are optimised for search engines, resulting in higher rankings and more online visibility.

Contact Us for Your Own Unique Buying Experience

We are committed to providing you with a customised and unique buying experience for your business. Our team of experts will work with you to create a website that showcases your products in the best possible way and offers a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for your customers. A well-designed website is visually appealing, functional, easy to navigate, and optimised for search engines.

Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and goals. Then, our team will provide you with a tailored solution that meets your budget and exceeds your expectations. We are here to help you take your business to the next level and reach new heights of success.