Services Specification

Services Specifications


This Service Specification will be used together with Easy Marketing’s Web Design Terms and Conditions, SEO Terms and Conditions,  

Dynamic content

This part will be dynamic, and the contents will be changed from time to time to match the detailed specification of seperate customer.


The Web Designer shall furnish the services outlined in the table below, subject to the mutual agreement of both parties. In the event that modifications are made to the Service Contents in order to facilitate the customer’s marketing initiatives, Easy Marketing Ltd reserves the right to levy an additional fee.


The content of the contract document remains consistent with the one that we have previously sent to you for confirmation. You have the option to submit your information and sign the contract online, and then download the signed contract document. To sign the document, you can write your signature online.  Alternatively, you can choose to print out the contract text, sign it, and return it to us.

Easy Marketing Ltd advocates and practices paperless environmental protection. Therefore, we encourage you to sign the contract through our Contract Auto Maker. Rest assured that all of your information shall be utilized exclusively for the purpose of this contract, and Easy Marketing Ltd shall ensure that your information is protected in accordance with the company’s Privacy Policy and General Terms and Conditions. . All documents submitted through our online system shall be securely protected to the highest standards. You retain the right to pursue legal action against Easy Marketing Ltd should your signature be utilized for any unauthorized purposes.

As of April 2023, we no longer accept electronic signatures. You only need to upload an electronic signature if it’s for a hardcopy contract.

Sample of What to Download

Services Specification Sample








EM公司倡导并践行无纸化环保行动。因此,我们鼓励您通过我们的合同自动生成器签署合同。请放心,您的所有信息将仅用于此次签约行为,EM公司确保按照公司 隐私政策  和通用条款的规定来保护客户的信息。您通过线上系统提交的所有文件都将得到最高标准的安全保护。如果您的签名被用于任何未经授权的目的,您随时对EM公司提起法律诉讼。


