Ultimate Guidance of WeChat Official Account

Get Registered Now: The Ultimate WeChat Official Account Guide for 2023

Step-by-Step WeChat Official Account Guidance: Your Ultimate 2023 Registration Guide

Follow this comprehensive guide to successfully expand your reach to the Chinese audience through WeChat Marketing with a step-by-step approach. This guide will provide you with all the necessary information about the required documentation for account registration and furnish you with templates for the verification process. Additionally, you will benefit from the expertise of a renowned Chinese specialist from Easy Marketing Ltd. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to unlock a whole new market!

The Chinese multi-functional social media platform WeChat had nearly 1.31 billion monthly active users as of the end of September 2022, according to Statista. WeChat has become an integral part of daily life in China, with many people relying on it for communication, social networking, and business transactions.

What's WeChat All About in 2022-WeChat Marketing Easy Marketing Ltd

Read more from our earlier article What’s WeChat All About in 2022

In today’s article, we will guide you step by step on how to register official WeChat account for your business. 

What is WeChat Official Account?

WeChat Official Account is an account offered by WeChat, a popular messaging app in China. It enables businesses, organizations, and individuals to create their page on WeChat, similar to a Facebook page in style but operating more like a WeChat-hosted website for Chinese audiences.

WeChat Official Accounts are different from regular WeChat accounts in that they are verified by WeChat and have access to more features. For instance, WeChat Official Accounts can use WeChat Pay, a feature which allows customers to pay with their phones instead of using cash or a credit card. They also have access to more advanced tools such as customer service, marketing campaigns, e-commerce and analytics.

WeChat Official Account Platform

Types of WeChat Official Accounts

There are three different types of WeChat Official Accounts: Subscription Accounts, Service Accounts and WeChat Mini Apps. Check the official website to start with. 

Subscription Accounts are designed for businesses that want to regularly send content updates to their followers, similar to a newsletter. Subscription Accounts can send up to one daily message to their followers, which are delivered to the “Subscriptions” folder in the user’s WeChat app.

On the other hand, Service Accounts are designed for businesses that want to provide customer service and e-commerce functions through WeChat. Service Accounts have more advanced features than Subscription Accounts, including integrating with external websites, offering customer support through WeChat, and processing payments directly within the app.

WeChat Mini Apps, also known as WeChat Mini Programs, are small applications that can be accessed within the WeChat app without needing a separate download or installation. They are essentially lightweight versions of native apps that can perform various functions, from e-commerce and gaming to social networking and utility tools.

Mini Programs are built using HTML5 and can be accessed by scanning a QR code or searching for them within the WeChat app. Furthermore, they can be launched from within WeChat and run seamlessly within the WeChat environment without switching to a separate app.

Benefits of Having a WeChat Official Account

Having a WeChat Official Account offers several benefits for businesses looking to engage with Chinese consumers on the WeChat platform:

  1. Direct communication: WeChat Official Accounts allow businesses to communicate with customers directly through the WeChat app, offering a convenient and efficient way to provide customer service and support.
  2. Expanded reach: WeChat Official Accounts can reach a broad audience of WeChat users, including personal and business accounts, and can be found through WeChat search.
  3. Content distribution: WeChat Official Accounts can distribute content to followers through articles, videos, and other multimedia formats, allowing businesses to engage with their audience and build a following.
  4. E-commerce capabilities: WeChat Official Accounts can be used for e-commerce functions, allowing businesses to sell products directly within the WeChat app and process payments through WeChat Pay.
  5. Targeted marketing: WeChat Official Accounts offer a range of targeting options for advertisers, allowing businesses to reach specific segments of the Chinese market based on demographics, interests, and behaviour.
  6. Analytics: WeChat Official Accounts offer analytics tools to help businesses track engagement, measure ROI, and improve their marketing strategy over time.

Overall, having a WeChat Official Account can provide businesses with a range of benefits, including direct communication with customers, expanded reach, content distribution, e-commerce capabilities, targeted marketing, and analytics. This can help businesses build a following, increase engagement, and drive sales on the WeChat platform. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Register a WeChat Official Account

You must complete two processes in order to receive a WeChat Service Account: part one is account registration, and part two is account verification.

Part 1: Account Registration

Step 1. Log into the website and click register

Step 1-log into the website and click register

Step 2. Select the type of official account you want to register

We recommend you register a subscription account if you are an individual and have plenty of time to update daily to drive traffic. Otherwise, you should apply for a service account.  It is the ideal choice for a company targeting Chinese audiences but still at the stage of testing water or not having a sufficient budget for a Mini Program.  Thus, we will use the service account as an example. 

Step 2: Select the type of official account you want to register, we will use the service account as an example

Step 3. Sumbit an email to manage this Service Account.

After submitting the email, you must enter the verification code to claim ownership of the email address. You may use an email you regularly check or the company’s email if you have a website hosted anywhere. 

Step 3. Sumbit an email to manage this Service Account.
Email verification code

Step 4. Select your company or organization's current region.

Popular Countries and regions WeChat support: China Mainland, Hong Kong (China), Malaysia, Australia, Canada, Singapore, New Zealand, United States, Taiwan (China), Japan, Macao (China), South Korea, Thailand, The United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, United States. 

Step 4. Select your company or organization's current region.

Step 5. Fill in the company information

Fill in the basic information, account type , company type, company name and company registration number. You find the information from the UK government website if you are based in the UK. 

Account Admin Information

To handle this account on your behalf, you will need an admin. Fill in the admin’s mobile phone number, and have it verified with an SMS code, as well as the admin’s ID card number, passport number, or driver’s licence number.

Fill in company information
Creators information

To control the material on your WeChat Official Account, you will require a creator. The creator and the administrator may be the same person, but you will need the creator’s details regarding their area of expertise and the platform they use to produce content. The platform features the most well-known social media sites, including Douyin, Xiao Hongshu, Weibo, Bilibili, and Zhizhu, among others. You will also need to provide a proof link and a short screen of the contents the user created on this platform.

Step 6. Find in the Account Information

Account Information

Now you may enter your account name; it can only be changed once per year. Add features to your account; this is a brief description of the primary services or goods offered by your business. Then, if your firm is operational, enter the region or country. 

After all these are done, you will receive a notice to indicate you have successfully registered the WeChat Service Account.

After completing WeChat authentication, you may successfully create an Official Account. However, you are momentarily unable to use the broadcasting feature or advanced feature of the Official Accounts Platform because the entity’s validity has not been confirmed. You need submit your WeChat authentication application as soon as you can. Your Official Account will be closed if you don’t request WeChat authentication after 30 days.

Second Phase Account Verification

Part Two: Account Verification

Step7. Documents you will need to verify the account

You must prepare many documents before getting approval from Tecent for your account, including

  • WeChat Verification Letter with Official Seal 
  • Letter of Authorization for Operation with Official Seal for Weixin Verification

You’ll see that the WeChat Verification Letter is available in multiple languages. However, the Letter of Permission for Operation is only available in English and Simple Chinese. 
Besides, you will find both Mandarin and English were used in the registration interface. If you encountered any issues when submitting your application, we advise you to get in touch with Easy Marketing.

Looking for professional assistance in setting up and managing your WeChat Official Account? Look no further than Easy Marketing. Our team of experts can guide you through the process of WeChat Official Account registration and help you optimize your account for maximum engagement and exposure.

Our services include account verification, customization of your account’s appearance and features, content creation and management, and data analysis to help you understand your audience and improve your performance. With years of experience working with businesses of all sizes and industries, we have the knowledge and skills to help you achieve your marketing goals on WeChat.

Whether you’re a small business looking to establish a presence on WeChat, or a large corporation seeking to expand your reach in China, Easy Marketing has the solutions you need to succeed on this powerful platform. Contact us today to learn more about our WeChat Official Account services and how we can help you grow your business through social media marketing.

  • Qualification Document;
  • The bill record of the contact person;
  • The front and back page of the contact person’s identification card, passport card or driving licence;
  • Trademark Registration” and “Trademark Authorization (optional);
  • Payment: available payment method includes Visa, MasterCard, JCB, Discover, Diners Club、China Union Pay and American Express 

Step 1. Reenter the company information

Reenter your company information

Step 2. Upload documents prepared

Upload documents prepared

Step 3. Confirm your account name

Confirm your account name

Step 4. Check if you want an invoice

Check if you want an invoice

Step 5. Make the payment via WeChat Pay or Credit Card

Pay by WeChat
Pay by Card

Common Pitfalls to Avoid in WeChat Official Account Registration

Registering an official WeChat account can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but there are some pitfalls to avoid. Here are some common mistakes to watch out for when registering your WeChat official account: 

  1. Not verifying your email address: WeChat requires you to use a verified email address to complete the registration process, so double-check to ensure the address is valid and active. Also, be sure to use an email address not already associated with another WeChat Official Account, which will cause issues when completing the registration.
  2. Not verifying your account: Verifying your WeChat official account before adding content is essential. This will help ensure your account is authentic and your content reaches the right audience. In addition, with verification, you may be able to access certain features or be limited in how you can use your account. 
  3. Not using the proper keywords: Using the appropriate keywords will help people find your material. After you’ve registered, you cannot easily alter the account name. To get the correct account name, check the WeChat index. Choose appropriate search terms for your content and likely to be used by your intended audience.


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